March 2017 No-Buy-Low-Buy Accountability

March was another No-Buy month! You’re expecting a blank post, right? Hayır:


Let’s start with the mascara:

I picked up the wet n Wild Lash Renegade mascara (slightly influenced by Kaily!) which I had no idea was available here in Canada. It looks like Rexall has revamped their wet n Wild assortment and they now carry the MegaGlo Contouring palette and photo focus setting Spray, among other things (yeah, we’re only like, 2 years late).  I got this for 25% off which was a steal considering that wet n Wild is quite economical to begin with, so this pertained to around C$4.  This is a replacement for the mascaras I’ve been using up! (I’ve used up 3 full-sized mascaras and 3 samples considering that January. )

There was a promotion at bath & Body works that if you spend $15, you can get a complimentary item worth $15. My coworker was picking up Wallflower oil refills and with her complimentary item, she got me this:

• Tutti Dolci sweet Lemon Buttercup lip balm
It’s not the most moisturizing balm (quite similar in texture to the EOS balms) but it smells like lemon cupcakes!

I had heard about the Coconut version of the MAC Fix+ from Ingrid ages ago. I was miffed that I didn’t get my hands on it. but then, the work It Out collection released, featuring travel sized Fix+ in various scents:

What am I meant to do?!  I got the Coconut and rose versions.  I used a gift card toward them.

Look at the pretty holographic box!
You’re probably asking me why I was even tempting fate by being at a MAC store? I was there to help a friend choose colours for a refill eye shadow quad considering that she had to toss her makeup due to an eye infection.   I know I had said in my No-Buy months I wouldn’t use gift cards… but I’m weak, ok?  These are limited Edition! and they were sold out by the end of March so I would have missed them! (Also, the MAC 25% off sale was soooo tempting! I had to stay off their web site during that time but I managed to not get anything.)

Lastly, another one of my friends went to Japan and asked if I wanted anything so I requested these 2 items:

• Daiso 2 way Moisturizing Silicone Mask Cover
• Visee glossy rich Eyes quad in PK3 burgundy Red
I had heard that the Daiso Silicone Mask Cover (which was on my recent favourites list) now comes with in a 2-piece style, so I just had to try it out. and remember one of my regrets from my Japan haul was that Visee palette? Şimdi anladım:

Şuna bak! So girly and such attention to detail.
For these 2 items, money didn’t exchange hands considering that I had gotten some things for my pal when I went to Japan last year and she’s reciprocating. Is this a cheat?

So that’s my March “No-Buy”… I’m not counting anything toward my tally!

And considering that I started the Temptations section in my February accountability post, I figured I’ll continue providing items that tempted me last month:

Sephora Triple action Cleansing Water

I saw this in faded Rouge’s appeal favourites post and it reminded me that I’ve been curious to try this product.
Why I don’t need this ideal now: I stocked up on 5 bottles of the Yves Rocher Micellar Water recently so I’m set for a while. By the way, I did email Yves Rocher to inquire if it was indeed discontinued and they confirmed it:

We regret to inform you that 87376 – Micellar Cleansing Water 3 Detoxifying Teas has been discontinued. However, because this item is still in stock at our warehouse, we are able to offer you this product until the stock is depleted.

Aveda Envirometal essentials Compact

This is no one’s fault but my own. After I had posted about customizable palettes, I caught wind that Aveda uses a few empty metal palettes to house their refill pans (eye shadow, face products). They offer several sizes, but this particular one is neat because it can also hold a lip product in the “hinge” part of the compact!
Why I don’t need this ideal now: The empty compact itself is quite pricey at $30. I haven’t heard much about the performance of Aveda makeup so I’m not sure I’d want to commit to their system. (Have any of you tried Aveda makeup? Please let me know in the comments.) At the very least I’d have to get their lipstick to fit into the slot – I think I could possibly use any refill pan in the main compartment if Uyuyorlar. Also, I’m eyeing other custom palette options too – I really want to get the makeup Geek one.

AOA wonder Blender

I had no idea these sponges existed until Asian appeal obsessed told me about them in a comment in my February trash stash post. They’re meant to be a good dupe for the appeal Blender for only $1 USD.  She also introduced me to the online store Miss A, which touts itself as “the first and only $1 online appeal shop”. After some research, it appears the site uses some respectable products especially their tools like the sponges and brushes.
Why I don’t need this ideal now: As tempting as a $1 sponge may be, you and IO mağazada sadece bir öğe almayacağımı bilin. Kanada’ya ücretsiz bir nakliye yok – 40 doların altındaki siparişler için 5,95 USD maliyeti, bu yüzden “paramın değerini almam” gerekiyor. Korku yok, yakında satın alacağım!

Sihirbaz çivi lake Ilnp

Tuzuna değer herhangi bir oje bağımlısı, meşhur “Unicorn Pee” aka Clarins #230 hakkında bilir. Görünüşe göre, o cila için artık üretilmeyen özel bir pigment var. Birçok şirket onu kandırmaya çalıştı. İlk olarak Be Happy & Get Lehçe blogundan ILNP sürümünü duydum. Sadece bu videoda Sihirbaz Cilasının tadını çıkarın [Drool]
Neden şimdi bu ideale ihtiyacım yok: sınırlı sayıda ve hızlı satış yapıyor – bunu elde etme konusunda çok bölünüyorum – şimdi sadece ILNP sitesinde mevcut ama nakliye ödemek zorundayım (yine de 100 $ harcarsam ücretsiz gönderim !) Bunu, zarif element için rengin kendisinden çok daha fazla istediğimi biliyorum.

Ortak cilt bakımı

Döndüğüm her yerde, bu cilt bakım markasını duymaya devam ettim! İşte Mart ayında okuma beslememde sadece bir örnekleme: Bayan Dimples Beauty, H Wong, Temyiz ve Balo Salonu, Hoi Yin Li, Cat Flicks & Mat Dudaklar, Kuruturken Çaresiz, FiveZero, vb. Herkes ve büyükanneleri Ortak hatayı almak. İstek listem öğelerim şunları içerir: niasinamid% 10 + çinko% 1, C vitamini süspansiyonu% 23 + HA küreleri% 2, salisilik asit% 2 çözelti ve AHA% 30 + BHA% 2 soyma çözeltisi.
Neden şimdi bu ideale ihtiyacım yok: Bir C vitamini serumu için pazardayım, ama önce diğer tedavilerimin çok daha fazlasını kullanacağım (yani Cosrx BHA Blackhead Power Liquid ve Estee Lauder Advanced Gece Onarımı Senkronize İyileşme Kompleksi II). Birkaç ay içinde yanımda açılan bir Deciem mağazası var, bu yüzden oradan çekilmek için açılana kadar bekleyeceğim.

Nisan düşük bir aydır, bütçem Sephora VIB satışı için 200 $ … ama henüz istek listemde çok fazla şey yok. Benim için bir sorun var!

Kız kardeşime bugün mutlu bir doğum günü dilemek için bir dakikanızı ayırıyorum !!! Umarım fantastik bir gün geçirirsin!

Bunu Paylaş:

Bunu A Pal’e e -posta ile tıklayın (yeni pencerede açılır)
Pinterest’te paylaşmak için tıklayın (yeni pencerede açılır)

Twitter’da paylaşmak için tıklayın (yeni pencerede açılır)
Tumblr’da paylaşmak için tıklayın (yeni pencerede açılır)

Reddit’te paylaşmak için tıklayın (Yeni Pencerede Açılır)

Bunun gibi:
Yükleme gibi …


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