Güzellik Blog Pazarı Pazarı Poll, Vol. 698

sending you sunshine, sunflowers as well as pumpkins on this gorgeous Monday!

Yani … Pazartesi anketi nedir?

Mükemmel soru! İsminin aksine, bit bir clicky düğmeleri gibi gerçek bir ankete aykırı değildir. It’s just a listing of five more or less random concerns I’ve been publishing on this blog every Monday morning for the past quadrillion years (since 2007). I like reading your answers, as well as it assists me get my week off to a great start. ?

1. You can never have sufficient (FILL IN THE BLANK).

Savings. gerçek arkadaşlar. clean underwear. lotion as well as hair conditioner. Honestly, this listing might go on forever!

2. somebody you enjoy makeup/beauty buying with?

My buddy Marisol, since she’s into beauty, she’s fun as well as she likewise has fantastic curly hair product suggestions for me! I likewise rather enjoy beauty buying with the Coywolf. She asks a great deal of questions, as well as it’s fascinating to see what catches her eye.


3. Are you into the Beautyblender sponge?

Currently, not really. I liked it for blending concealer as well as foundation back when it very first came out, however now I wear less base than I utilized to, so I don’t truly requirement it. I’d rather just utilize my fingers as well as phone call it a day!

4. Something on your beauty container list?

I’d like to try Latisse someday.

5. Black licorice or jelly beans?

Ideally, neither, since I’m not a fan of either candy! If I had to choose, though, then jelly beans. The popcorn ones by Jelly Belly.


Kediler ve Makyaj Kazak ??

42 $

Şimdi satın al

6. least organized part of your life?

Connor’s toys, OMG! They’re around the place! I try to organize as well as contain them with identified totes as well as whatnot, however it’s a losing battle. In the end the Legos, stuffies as well as art supplies always end up taking over.

7. A simple thing you can do to make your life much better today?

Drink a eco-friendly smoothie! Oh, as well as go to bed early.

8. Something that simplifies your beauty routine?

Planning what hair as well as makeup I’m going to wear the next day. It takes the guesswork out of figuring out what to do at the last minute.

9. Your preferred type of apple?

Honeycrisp all the way! I likewise like Pink woman apples for baking.

Dost canlısı topluluk güzellik bağımlısı,



P.S. Tam burada cevaplarınızı bir yorumda kopyalamak / yapıştırmak için endişeler. Yakında seninle konuş.

1. You can never have sufficient (FILL IN THE BLANK).
2. somebody you enjoy makeup/beauty buying with?
3. Are you into the Beautyblender sponge?
4. Something on your beauty container list?
5. Black licorice or jelly beans?
6. least organized part of your life?
7. A simple thing you can do to make your life much better today?
8. Something that simplifies your beauty routine?
9. Your preferred type of apple?

P.S. hey there, my friend. great morning as well as happy Monday to you! Here’s a huge hug in situation you requirement it today. I’ve got you, OK? have a lovely week, as well as take great care of yourself.

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